Gospel of John
Inductive Bible Study Class for Grades 7-12
Are your teens ready to move deeper into studying the Bible?
Your students in grades 7-12 can move past just simply memorizing Bible stories and facts to learning how to study Scripture in context.
In this online Bible class through chapters 1-12 in the Gospel of John, your teens will learn how to use the inductive method to systematically observe, interpret, and apply the text.
Daily independent assignments Monday through Thursdays
Online Class each Friday
Includes quizzes and projects with rubrics if you need to give a grade on the homeschool transcript
Complete this course at your OWN pace!! Start and end any time with lifetime access.
Enjoy family pricing - multiple students from one household can participate for one price!
Students receive a Self Study Workbook through John 1-12
- includes daily lessons through the text
- answer key provided
- projects + rubric for grading
- accountability for high school credit
- moving past a memorization of facts and learning how to actually study the Word in context using the inductive method
Weekly Video Lessons
- watch online when it fits your schedule
- ask questions of the instructor on the Teachable platform
Course Materials:
Bible - you can study in your preferred version; video lessons will be in ESV
John 1-12 printed for marking (instructions will be given in the course)
colored pens or pencils for marking the text
Your Instructor
Abby Banks is a former classroom teacher, now homeschool mom of five and pastor’s wife. Even though she grew up in a Christian home, she was never taught how to read and understand the Bible. After learning how to deep dive into the Word using the Inductive Method, Abby has taught it to kids, teens, and women in various church and homeschool contexts for the last 20 years.